Accessories & Financing

What To Do If You Are In a Rental Car Accident

As responsible drivers, no one wants to be involved in an accident. However, things feel worse if you’re in an accident while driving a rental vehicle. While you might be in a state of shock, there are many things you need to know. Understanding all the information will help you better deal with an accident’s aftermath.

This article will tell you what to do in the event of an accident in a rental car.

Check if Everyone Is Safe

Without a doubt, this is the first thing you should do if you meet with an accident. If you skip this, you could put your passengers, other travelers, and yourself in danger. Make sure no one is hurt. Then, ensure that everyone is moved to a safe space to avoid further casualties. However, if someone is injured, don’t try to move them without the help of emergency services.

Contact the Emergency Services if Needed

Call the emergency services immediately if anyone has been injured in the accident. It is, thus, extremely important to be cautious while checking if people are okay. For example, a head injury might not seem bad initially, but it could become serious with time.

With this in mind, if you’ve rented a car in another country, ensure that you know how to contact the emergency services there. This way, if you’re involved in a car crash, you can ask for help if required.

Call Your Rental Car Company

Now that you know everyone is safe, it’s time to inform your car rental company about the accident. You can easily find their phone number on your rental agreement.

Usually, reputable car rental companies look after recovery services and repair or replace the vehicle. Ideally, the rental company should also directly deal with the insurance provider and the other people involved in the accident.

One of the most important things you should remember when you’ve been involved in a car accident with a rental company is that the company will have to follow a procedure. They will be able to guide you through their process so you’re comfortable and aware of what’s next. However, they won’t return the money you’ve paid.

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